Heating plant of Kosice
Heating plant of Kosice is a company that produces and distributes heat in the form of hot water and steam in Košice. It is among the largest producers of heat in Slovakia.
Web: mhth.sk/
Scope of realization GRANTECH, Košice:
- solution design
- supply of technologies
Location: Teplárenská 1823, 042 92 Košice
Delivered technologies: Bosch Security Systems divisions
IP camera system - (BVMS, Bosch Video Management System)
The system further uses 77 BOSCH IP cameras, of which 51 cameras located on the perimeter are equipped with intelligent motion detection, which serves as an assistant for operators. Furthermore, the system consists of 3 pcs of BOSCH IP cameras with 15-bit image processing for use in difficult lighting conditions, 3 pcs of EnviroDome IP rotating cameras. Recording is provided by 4 recording servers + backup server. Security and technology operators can work at 3 client stations (each is equipped with 4 LCD monitors - object map, multiscene, alarm monitor,...). In order to ensure the reliable operation of the system, all transmissions are carried out via optical fibers.