The eastern Slovak building materials
East Slovak building materials, now merged with Holcim, is the largest producer and supplier of building materials and related services in Slovakia. Holcim Slovakia belongs to the Holcim group, which is one of the world's leading suppliers of cement, aggregates, fresh concrete and asphalt.
Scope of implementation of GRANTECH, Košice:
- solution design
- supply of technologies
Location: Turna nad Bodvou, Turna nad Bodvou, Geča, Orlov, Milhošť, Betonárky Košice and Poprad
Delivered technologies: Bosch Security Systems divisions
IP camera system - (BVMS, Bosch Video Management System)
Systems are installed: at the company headquarters in Turnňa nad Bodvou, cement plant Turnňa nad Bodvou, gravel plants: Geča, Orlov, Milhosť, Betonárky Košice and Poprad.