Faurecia Automotive Slovakia Košice and Hlohovec

The activity of Faurecia Automotive Slovakia consists in the production of components for the automotive industry - dashboards, door panels, central console, storage boxes, front masks, radiators, fans, seats, front bumpers, exhaust systems in 6 spin-off plants.

Web: www.faurecia.com/

Scope of realization GRANTECH, Košice:

- solution design

- supply of technologies

Location: Industrial Park Pri letisku 1408, Barca

      Priemyselná 1127, 920 03 Hlohovec-Šulekovo

Date of realization: Košice (2016), Hlohovec (2017)

Delivered technologies:

Košice IP camera system - (PELCO)

Hlohovec IP camera system - (BVMS, Bosch Video Management System)

List of references