Airport M.R. Štefánika – Airport Bratislava, a. with. (BTS) is the largest airport in the Slovak Republic. In 2022, the airport handled around 1.4 million passengers as part of regular traffic, which is more than double the increase compared to 2021.

Web: www.bts.aero/

Scope of realization GRANTECH, Košice:

- solution design

- supply of technologies

Location: Ivanská cesta, 820 01 Bratislava

Delivered technologies: Bosch security systems division

Integrated safety system – (BIS, Building Integration System), into which the EPS system is integrated:

 IP camera system - delivery of approximately 300 IP cameras

Electric fire signaling - (FAS, Fire Alarm System)

Almost 1,300 detectors are used in the system, which is built on the FPA 5000 modular control panel platform. The entire  system, in addition to map documents and visualization of events, also provides the display of alarm scenarios.

Voice fire alarm – (VAS, Voice Evacuation System)

Public Address – (PA, Public Address)

A central office based on the fully digital BOSCH Praesideo sound system is used for public address and evacuation radio.

List of references