Highway tunnels

  1. Svrčinovec tunnel - highway one-pipe tunnel, which is located on the D3 highway in the section Svrčinovec - Skalité - Slovakia/Poland state border.
  2. Poľana tunnel - highway one-pipe tunnel in the Čadca district. The tunnel is on the D3 highway in the section Svrčinovec - Skalité.
  3. Žilina tunnel - a two-pipe highway tunnel located on the D1 highway in the Hričovské Podhradie - Lietavská Lúčka section in the Žilina district.
  4. Ovčiarsko tunnel - a two-pipe highway tunnel that is part of the Žilina highway bypass. It is located on the D1 highway in the section Hričovské Podhradie – Lietavská Lúčka in the district of Žilina.
  5. Prešov tunnel - highway tunnel located on the D1 Prešov, west-Prešov, south highway in the district of Prešov.
  6. Bikoš tunnel - expressway tunnel, located on the R4 expressway in the Prešov section, the northern bypass of the first stage (Prešov, North - Prešov, West).

Scope of realization GRANTECH, Košice:

- solution design

- supply of technologies

Location: Svrčinovec, Skalite, Žilina, Ovčiarsko, Prešov and Bikoš

Date of realization: 2017 - 2023

Delivered technologies: Bosch Security Systems divisions

Electric fire signaling - (FAS, Fire Alarm System)

The system is built on the platform of the BOSCH FPA 5000 modular control panel. A linear thermal detection system with optical fibers from AP Sensing is used to detect fire in tunnel pipes.

Voice fire alarm – (VAS, Voice Evacuation System)

Tunnel radio is realized by Praesideo and Praesensa systems from BOSCH.

List of references