STEEL ARÉNA is the most modern and the only multifunctional hall in Slovakia.


Scope of implementation GRANTECH, Košice:

- solution proposal

- supply of technologies

Location: Nerudova 1627/12, 040 01 Košice

Date of realization: 2006

Delivered technologies: Bosch Security Systems divisions

Voice fire alarm - (VAS, Voice Evacuation System)

The evacuation radio consists of 455 cabinets, pressure speakers or BOSCH sound projectors. The central unit based on BOSCH PRAESIDEO consists of 1 control unit, 13 work amplifiers, 1 backup amplifier. The system also includes an announcement station extended by 1 announcer's keyboard. The public address system is connected to the EPS control panel and is able to automatically report an evacuation message. The total power of the system is 6,500 W.

List of references