STEEL ARÉNA is the most modern and the only multifunctional hall in Slovakia.
Scope of implementation GRANTECH, Košice:
- solution proposal
- supply of technologies
Location: Nerudova 1627/12, 040 01 Košice
Date of realization: 2006
Delivered technologies: Bosch Security Systems divisions
Voice fire alarm - (VAS, Voice Evacuation System)
The evacuation radio consists of 455 cabinets, pressure speakers or BOSCH sound projectors. The central unit based on BOSCH PRAESIDEO consists of 1 control unit, 13 work amplifiers, 1 backup amplifier. The system also includes an announcement station extended by 1 announcer's keyboard. The public address system is connected to the EPS control panel and is able to automatically report an evacuation message. The total power of the system is 6,500 W.