Modernization of the Žilina railway junction
ŽSR, completion of the Žilina-Teplička establishment station and related railway infrastructure in the Žilina junction
The project deals with the complex reconstruction of the railway infrastructure in the city of Žilina and its immediate surroundings. The modernization of the Žilina junction is one of the largest investments in railways in Slovakia in history, and its benefit will not only be the renewal and improvement of the rail infrastructure itself, but also the improvement of the transport solution in the entire affected area - whether for car traffic, cyclists or pedestrians.
Scope of realization GRANTECH, Košice:
- realization of the work
- final configuration according to the investor's requirements
Location: PO Hviezdoslava 697/9, 010 73 Žilina
Date of realization: 2021 - present
Realized building objects:
- the main cable route
- construction of opto-rooms
- optical cable
- transmission device
- radio equipment
- structured cabling
- public lighting
- radiotelephone system
- information equipment
- electric security signaling and camera system
- and other objects of notification devices